The Graveyard Book The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

“Something huge was flying through the air […] something bigger and darker than the biggest bird. Something man-size that flickered and fluttered as it moved, like the strobing flight of a bat.” (6.268)

We love this passage because it gives us a vivid picture of Silas flying through the sky to get to Bod.

Quote #8

Bod leaned down to push his head into the grave and call his friend, but instead of his head slipping through the solid matter like a shadow passing through a deeper shadow, his head met the ground with a hard and painful thump. (8.7)

It’s painful to watch (and to experience) Bod losing his Freedom of the Graveyard powers. He’s gotten so used to them, he can’t quite understand why they’re suddenly going away. It’s OK, though, because he’s losing his powers since he doesn’t need them anymore – he’s finally free to leave the graveyard.