

Symbols and Tropes

Hero's Journey

Ever notice that every blockbuster movie has the same fundamental pieces? A hero, a journey, some conflicts to muck it all up, a reward, and the hero returning home and everybody applauding his or...


Glory DaysThe opening credits let us know exactly what time to set our wayback machine. As the theme plays, we see images of Martin Luther King, Jr., James Dean, Marilyn Monroe in Playboy magazine,...

Point of View

Grease is told through three alternating POVs: Danny, Sandy, and Rizzo. Danny is always singing about Sandy. Sandy is always pining from Danny. If it were just the two of them, we'd never see anyth...


High School Musical Grease is a musical, so its characters sing their feelings. It isn't the type of musical like Les Miserables where they're miserable all the time and just can't stop singing. In...

What's Up With the Title?

Grease is the WordWhoever said "bird bird bird, bird is the word" is a) in need of some serious help and b) wrong. Because grease is the word. That famous phrase comes from the opening theme to the...

What's Up With the Ending?

Round and Round We GoWe were hoping you wouldn't ask us this question. At the very end of Grease, Danny and Sandy get into his car and literally fly away into the sky. Even Family Guy can't figure...

Shock Rating

PGMaybe Danny Zuko has to put so much grease in his hair to hide all the innuendos. Take this flirty exchange, for example.RIZZO: What's up, Kenick?KENICKIE: One guess.Bow chicka bow bow.If this mo...