Gremlins Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Gremlins.

Quote #1

KATE: It's when a lot of people get really depressed.

BILLY: That's funny, you because I always thought everyone was happy during the holidays, no matter what.

KATE: Well most people are, but some aren't. While everybody else is opening up their presents, they're opening up their wrists.

BILLY: Cheery thought.

KATE: It's true. The suicide rate's always the highest around the holidays.

BILLY: Now I'm depressed.

This film can be one that changes your opinion of the Christmas holidays. It isn't always happiness and ho-ho-hos.

Quote #2

MOVIE: "They're like huge seed pods!"

Billy likes to watch horror movies, and this scene from Invasion of the Body Snatchers foreshadows the gremlins own mutation. Their cocoons, too, look like festering seed pods.

Quote #3

PETE: What'd you say this was called? A putrid stage?

MR. HANSON: Pupal. Pupal stage.

PETE: Like a butterfly.

MR. HANSON: Yeah, right. Right. This is a cocoon, and inside he's going through changes. Lots of changes.

PETE: Like my mother.

MR. HANSON: No. No, that's different. This is called a metamorphosis. It's a change in form and in appearance.

Metamorphosis. Pupal stage. Cocoon. Gremlins is educational, too.