Harrison Bergeron Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"[Harrison Bergeron] is a genius and an athlete, is under-handicapped, and should be regarded as extremely dangerous" (42)

In a society full of average Joes and Janes conditioned to think that being good is bad, someone who is a genius and an athlete would instantly cause resentment and fear among the general handicapped public. This is a great way to turn public opinion against Harrison. Good work, government!

Quote #8

"If you see this boy [...] do not—I repeat, do not—try to reason with him" (47)

Even though he's fourteen, they act like Harrison is a giant monster determined to destroy them all. We're surprised they still call him a "boy." This is a subtle and effective fear-mongering technique, and also shows how the government controls the media in 2081.

Quote #9

The music began. It was normal at first—cheap, silly, false. (66)

Even musicians have been manipulated into playing bad music in an effort to appear "normal." It makes us wonder why people even want to be musicians. Who wants to live in a world where your only listening option is bad elevator muzak? Would no music be better or worse than bad music? And why do they make good musicians be musicians if they're just going to handicap them? Why not pick a dude off the street and stick a violin in his hand?