Lies and Deceit Quotes in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Books can be misleading," said Lockhart delicately.

"You wrote them!" Harry shouted.

"My dear boy," said Lockhart, straightening up and frowning at Harry. "Do use your common sense. My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I'd done all those things. No one wants to read about some ugly old Armenian warlock, even if he did save a village from werewolves. He'd look dreadful on the front cover. No dress sense at all. And the witch who banished the Bandon Banshee had a hairy chin. I mean, come on —" (16.151-153)

Professor Lockhart is obviously a self-serving jerk. Still, he is also pointing out something that might be kind of true: people probably wouldn't make "some ugly old" warlock a celebrity the way Professor Lockhart has become a celebrity. Looks definitely do matter in marketing a person's image to the public. Professor Lockhart is a fraud, but he gets adoring fan mail because he is so handsome. What do you think is the link between celebrity and good looks? Does the public necessarily care what a hero looks like, if he or she has done genuinely great deeds? Can you be hideous and a hero in the public eye?