Disappointment Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

ALBUS: What are you doing here?

HERMIONE: Teaching. For my sins. (2.11.6-2.11.7)

We kind of imagined Hermione being a teacher because she was such a good student…so why is she so disappointed at being a teacher in this alternate timeline?

Quote #8

SCORPIUS: Can you even slightly imagine what's like? Have you even ever tried? No. Because you can't see beyond the end of your nose. Because you can't see beyond the end of your stupid thinkg with your dad. He will always be Harry Potter, you know that, right? And you will always be his son. And I know it's hard, and the other kids are awful, but you have to learn to be okay with that, because—there are worse things, okay? […] So I'm sorry if I've ruined your life because I tell you – you wouldn't have a chance of ruining mine – it was already ruined. You just didn't make it better. Because you're a terrible—the most terrible—friend. (2.16.52)

Scorpius has no qualms about keeping it real to his best friend, or to anyone. When he is disappointed in the way things are going, he speaks up and does something about it. He does it here to Albus, and he does it in Act 3 with his own father in the alternate timeline. Scorpius is never content to wallow in his own misery the way Albus is.

Quote #9

DELPHI: Take my mind. Take my memory. Make me forget who I am. (4.11.123)

Delphi has structured her entire life around finding a way to meet her father. And when she gets a Voldemort's-nose-length away from meeting her father, Harry stops her from doing it. Disappointed with what a failure she was, she wants to forget everything. But Harry knows that the greatest punishment is to remember.