

Harry Potter has always straddled a few different genres. Here's the rundown of how and why Deathly Hallows, Part 2 earns a place in these categories:


  • Hmm, let's see, we've got snakes made of fire, gargoyles that can do battle, spells that light up the night sky while protecting an entire castle from Dark Wizards, an escape from a wizard bank on the back of a dragon…yeah, we'd say that's all pretty action-packed.


  • We know it's easy to get distracted by all the pretty lights and wizard fights, but there's plenty of personal/interpersonal drama going on that easily captures the viewer's attention, even while the spells are flying.
  • We've got Neville taking the lead in fighting off Death Eaters and their cronies, even when he thinks Harry (and therefore their movement) is dead.
  • We've got Harry fearing death and struggling to confront it bravely.
  • And then there's Severus Snape memory of mourning over the body of his beloved childhood friend—if you aren't tearing up when you see that scene, you might want to check your pulse.

But we digress: the point is that the film is not short on drama, either. So, yeah, we'd say the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 is pretty much a three-category wonder.