Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Are the Deathly Hallows real or not? Well, we know they exist (in Harry's world—sorry guys), but do they really make you the master of death? How can we tell, given how the story plays out?
  2. There are some big deaths in this film. What do they do for the storytelling? Is this just excess gloom and doom, or do the deaths achieve something?
  3. What do you make of Harry's embrace of the connection with Voldemort as the story comes to a close? Why is that important?
  4. We've known the characters a long time. Does anyone surprise you this time around, in terms of how his/her character develops?
  5. Oh, and while we're on that topic: Does the revelation about Snape's true loyalties surprise you? Or is it a big yawn?
  6. Does Harry actually kill Voldemort? After all, Harry never actually Avada Kedavras him, but the Dark Lord dies anyway. What do you think?