Exploration Quotes in Heist Society

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Kat used to love Paris. She remembered being there with her parents—eating croissants, visiting a pyramid, and carrying six red balloons. (4.1)

Kat's memories of traveling are colored by her parents' ulterior motives for their vacations. But do these memories still hold value, or are they tarnished forever by her parents' thieving, scheming ways?

Quote #2

I was thinking about Cannes for Christmas. (4.61)

It seems that Kat's father is more comfortable exploring the world than staying in one place. We have to wonder if he'd be such a world traveler if he weren't a thief. Perhaps he only does the whole thieving thing to fund his vacations.

Quote #3

Vegas was a town where almost everyone was hoping to get something for nothing—an entire city of thieves. (7.1)

Vegas is pretty much exactly what we've learned to expect television. In other words, you can lie, cheat, and steal in Vegas and no one'll blink twice.