Lies and Deceit Quotes in Heist Society

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Kat was used to looking at a room and seeing all the angles. (1.17)

Casing a room is pretty much hardwired into Kat's DNA. She can't go into a room without figuring out how to get in it and get out of it without being detected. No wonder she makes a good thief.

Quote #2

Kat had already passed for a Franciscan nun during a particularly difficult job in Vatican City. (1.67)

Pretending to be a nun—is nothing sacred? They're not just lying to museum directors now... they're lying to the Pope.

Quote #3

[Kat] found her passport. She flipped it open and saw the name Melanie O'Hara beside a picture of herself in a red wig. (3.64)

Kat has at least five alternate identities to rely upon. That's more than Lisbeth Salander. We're impressed.