The Hero with a Thousand Faces Mortality Quotes

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Quote #7

The research for physical immortality proceeds from a misunderstanding of the traditional teaching. On the contrary, the basic problem is: to enlarge the pupil of the eye, so that the body with its attendant personality will no longer obstruct the view. (175.1)

We think of immortality as never aging or dying, but by limiting it to the physical plane, we're missing out on the bigger picture.

Quote #8

Numerous indeed are the heroes fabled to have taken up residence forever in the blessed isle of the unaging Goddess of Immortal Being. (179.2)

There's an interesting wrinkle here. Campbell seems to be suggesting that in order to properly enjoy immortality, you need to stay away from the normal world, which just isn't set up to process mojo that huge.

Quote #9

Wherever the poetry of myth is interpreted as biography, history, or science, it is killed. (230.1)

Myth itself is subject to death? Oh yes. That's one of the reasons people don't like poking at cherished myths, like George Washington and the cherry tree. Knowing that it never really happened robs the myth of its power…and that power can be very important.