Holes Resources


The Guy Who Dug the Holes

Check out Louis Sachar's official website and you'll learn that our author is an avid bridge player. Wouldn't have guessed!

Movie or TV Productions

Holes (2003)

Louis Sachar actually wrote the screenplay for this movie, and it's pretty faithful to the book. We liked it even better than Even Stevens.

Officially Holes

Disney has a whole page devoted to the movie. Makes us a little nostalgic, we have to say.

Articles and Interviews

Sequel Time

In this New York Times interview, Sachar talks about reading Charlotte's Web as a kid. That's one of Shmoop's favorites, so we're on board.

A Glimpse into the Man

Want to know how Sachar got the idea for his yellow-spotted lizards? Check out this interview and find out. (Yeah, we're not going to spoil it.)


In the Flesh

In this interview, Sachar talks about his writing process and reveals that sometimes he doubts his work. Yep, that's right, even a professional is never 100% sure.

Official Trailer

What do you think? Is this how you pictured it?

Dig It!

Yeah, they made a music video. You'll be happy you watched this, we promise.


The Voice (Not that The Voice)

In this audio interview, Sachar discusses his writing process, writing for kids, and some of his favorite writers. Shmoop didn't make the cut, but we'll get over it.

Big Screen Talk

Ever wonder what it's like to adapt your own book for the big screen? Well, listen up as Sachar talks about the writing and making of the movie of Holes.


The Author

Looks like an all-round nice guy, doesn't he?

Judge It by Its Cover

This is the most well-known cover for the book. Do you think it captures the voice?