The House of the Scorpion Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Matt could see the buried tomb in his mind's eye - the broken wineglasses, El Patrón's portrait staring up from the coffin, the bodyguards laid out in their dark suits. (38.35)

Death is very, very real to Matt. The death of the Alacrán clan, while horrifying, also brings some much needed closure. At least now Opium can get out from under El Patrón.

Quote #8

"See, there's an example of someone who didn't get his implants when he should have," said El Patrón, pointing at El Viejo. (11.45)

El Patrón seems to think that El Viejo is a big fat loser for accepting death. It's as if El Patrón is in some creepy competition, where he has to outsmart death at every turn, and anyone who doesn't is a fool.

Quote #9

Inside, looking more like a starved bird than anything else, was El Viejo. He was dressed in a black suit, and his sharp nose stuck up like a beak against the ivory silk lining. (14.37)

El Viejo's corpse is not a pretty sight. In a weird way, it helps Matt (and us) to understand why El Patrón keeps trying to cheat death. If this is what he has to look forward to, it sure isn't appealing.