The Invention of Hugo Cabret Awe and Amazement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph) and (I.Part.Chapter.Image)

Quote #1

From the very first moment his father had told him about it, the mechanical man had become the center of Hugo’s life. (1.5.5)

Nowadays, we’re a little spoiled with iPads and robot vacuums (hey there, DJ Roomba!), but back then, a machine like the automaton must have been a pretty amazing thing.

Quote #2

The blank white screen reminded Hugo of a brand new piece of paper, and he loved the wonderful whirring sound from the projector that filled the theater. (1.9.25)

Ah, the wonders of the silver screen. Even now, over 100 years later, we still love the feeling of waiting for a movie to start. It really is a kind of magic, especially for a kid like Hugo, who we're betting doesn't get to go to the movies all that often.

Quote #3

He held them in his good hand as if they were diamonds and rubies. Some were on single sheets of paper, some hand-bound into little books. The edges of the drawings were yellowed and brittle, but they were all beautiful, and they were all by Georges Méliès. (2.2.11)

Georges Méliès is a secret genius. Who knew? Hugo and Isabelle are taken aback by the fact that they never knew he had so much artistic talent inside of him.