The Invention of Hugo Cabret Awe and Amazement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph) and (I.Part.Chapter.Image)

Quote #4

“[…] So I figure if the entire world is a big machine, I have to be here for some reason. And that means you have to be here for some reason too.” (2.6.32)

Hugo gets a little philosophical for a moment (wow-ee kid, that’s deep) as he and Isabelle wonder at how amazing life is, and how big and vast and complicated the entire world is, even when it all seems to make sense—as it does in bringing Hugo and Isabelle together.

Quote #5

It created an image that Hugo recognized immediately. Shivers ran down his spine. (1.12.55)

The image of the man’s face on the moon gives Hugo an actual physical reaction. The magic of the automaton producing a picture pretty much blows Hugo and Isabelle’s socks off. But it's not just the fact that this machine can draw. It's what it draws that truly shocks Hugo.

Quote #6

“He bent down on one knee and whispered to me, ‘If you’ve ever wondered where your dreams come from when you go to sleep at night, just look around. This is where they are made.” (2.7.22)

What a beautiful sentiment. Georges Méliès really was an inspiration to some people (like Monsieur Tabard) and the scenes and fantastical scenarios he created feel like dreams come to life. Talk about movie magic.