The Hunchback of Notre-Dame Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

At the distance he could see her quiver beneath her white robe in the last convulsive agonies of death; then he looked down at the Archdeacon, stretched at the foot of the tower, looking hardly human at all, and, heaving a deep sigh, he cried, "There is all I ever loved!" (XI.II.30)

What a contrast. Here is Esmeralda in a white robe symbolizing purity and goodness and all that stuff, and here is evil Frollo, his humanity gone, looking like a squashed bug. Yet these were the only two people to ever show Quasimodo any kindness, and each was the undoing of the other. It's a balance, we guess... but a really sad one.