Toussaint L'Ouverture Timeline and Summary


Toussaint L'Ouverture Timeline and Summary

  • Toussaint's already in the middle of the revolution when we meet him. What's he fighting for? Freedom, of course. He wants the Haitian slaves to be free.
  • On the battlefield, everything is chaotic. He sees friends and leaders die right in front of him, and his own horse is shot down.
  • Miraculously, Toussaint doesn't die. It's his destiny to lead the troops, he believes.
  • He doesn't want the glory or responsibility of leading, but he knows he must. Otherwise, his fellow slaves will care more about revenge than justice, and it won't be good for Haiti. He can't let that happen.
  • Toussaint leads the troops to his old master's house and takes it over. When his troops want to kill the slave-owner, Toussaint tells them not to, explaining that it won't accomplish anything and they're fighting for freedom, not revenge.
  • Pretty soon, Toussaint and his troops have travelled all over Haiti freeing slaves. They are finally free from France.
  • Through a bunch of flashbacks, Toussaint tells us about his childhood. His dad was a doctor and helped slaves out whenever he could.
  • One time, a woman came with her newborn baby that her slave-owner wanted to sell. Before Toussaint knew it, the slave-owner showed up at their house and killed the baby, just to teach the mom a lesson.
  • Another time, a guy cut off his slave's head right in front of Toussaint and his dad because he was going to take too long to heal.
  • Toussaint even got beat up by a slave owner one time for standing up to him about hurting a girl. Through all these experiences, Toussaint learned that slavery corrupts even good people.
  • Now that they are free from France, Toussaint and his men get a call from England. The English troops want to take Haiti and the slaves with them, so they duke it out on the battlefield.
  • Toussaint and his men keep winning battles. Next up? He writes a bunch of letters about the war back and forth to French Generals. They still aren't on board with this freedom thing.
  • He meets with a French general to discuss terms of freedom, but it's a trap. The guy captures Toussaint and ships him back to France.
  • There, Toussaint sits in a cell awaiting death.