Island of the Blue Dolphins Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I did not know how lonely I had been until I had Rontu to talk to. (16.13)

How does Karana's friendship with Rontu keep her from feeling lonely?  Why is talking important for her?

Quote #5

"Wintscha," she said.

I had not heard words spoken for so long that they sounded strange to me, yet they were good to hear, even though it was an enemy who spoke them. (21.31-32)

Why is Karana happy to hear Tutok speak. Isn't Tutok an enemy Aleut?

Quote #6

Below me, Rontu was running along the cliff, barking at screaming gulls. Pelicans were chattering as they fished the blue water. Far off I could hear the bellow of a sea elephant. But suddenly, as I thought of Tutok, the island seemed very quiet. (22.33)

Why is Karana lonely again? Aren't the animals' noises enough to keep her company?