It Happened One Night Scenes 13-15 Summary

  • The next morning, Ellie wakes up to find Peter already dressed and making breakfast.
  • Peter gives Ellie a toothbrush, then tells her to hurry up and shower.
  • Ellie dawdles, but then she hurries out the door.
  • Ellie's obviously never been in a campground before. She doesn't get in line but heads straight for the shower, where she opens the door on someone, who, outraged, sends her away.
  • Ellie takes her place in line, then finally showers.
  • On her way back to the cabin, Ellie runs into Shapeley, the perv from the bus.
  • Shapeley apologizes, but Ellie doesn't accept, and she sends him away.
  • Back at the cabin, Peter has finished making coffee, a donut, and one egg for each of them.
  • Ellie eats enthusiastically.
  • Peter corrects Ellie's donut-dunking technique.
  • Ellie tells Peter that her life's really not all that free, since she's constantly being monitored by her father's staff. She has made a game, she says, of trying to evade them and steal some time for herself.
  • Two detectives sent by Ellie's father then visit the cabin, looking for Ellie.
  • Ellie and Peter pretend to a husband and wife who are deep in a fight to fake out the detectives.
  • The detectives are fooled. They apologize and leave.
  • After the detectives are gone, Peter and Ellie laugh at how much fun they had playacting to fool the detectives. They really got into it, and joke that they should take their show on the road.