Ivanhoe Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Ivanhoe.

Patriotism Quotes

A circumstance which greatly tended to enhance the tyranny of the nobility, and the sufferings of the inferior classes, arose from the consequences of the Conquest by Duke William of Normandy. Four...

Foreignness and 'The Other' Quotes

The reception of this person [Isaac] in the hall of Cedric the Saxon was such as might have satisfied the most prejudiced enemy of the tribes of Israel. Cedric himself coldly nodded in answer to th...

Family Quotes

"Palestine!" repeated the Saxon – "Palestine! How my ears are turned to the tales which dissolute crusaders or hypocritical pilgrims bring from that fatal land! I too might ask – I too might in...

Principles Quotes

It was not difficult to ascertain the condition and character of one of these personages. He was obviously an ecclesiastic of high rank; his dress was that of a Cistercian monk, but composed of mat...

Identity Quotes

Oswald, the cupbearer, modestly suggested, "That it was scarce an hour since the tolling of the curfew" – an ill-chosen apology, since it turned upon a topic so harsh to Saxon ears. "The foul fie...

Justice and Judgment Quotes

"We shall meet again, I trust," said the Templar, casting a resentful glance at his antagonist; "and where there are none to separate us.""If we do not," said the Disinherited Knight, "the fault sh...

Duty Quotes

"Aymer – the Prior Aymer! Brian de Bois-Guilbert!" muttered Cedric – "Normans both; but Norman or Saxon, the hospitality of Rotherwood must not be impeached: they are welcome, since they have c...

Society and Class Quotes

To these causes of public distress and apprehension must be added the multitude of outlaws who, driven to despair by the oppression of the feudal nobility and the severe exercise of the forest laws...