Joseph Andrews Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] the captain conveyed his chair from behind him; so that when he endeavored to seat himself, he fell down on the ground […]. (3.7.3)

The captain's jokes are all cheap shots. Fielding isn't above a little physical comedy, Charlie Chaplin-style, when it suits him.

Quote #8

The dancing-master no sooner saw the fist than he prudently retired out of its reach, and stood aloof mimicking Adams […]. (3.7.5)

It's all well and good to mock Adams, but try being within the reach of his famous fists.

Quote #9

Adams and Joseph, who was no less enraged than his friend, at the treatment he met with, went out with their sticks in their hands […]. (3.8.1)

Even when Adams appears foolish, his friends have his back. They don't even seem to see how silly he looks. He gets by with a little help from his friends… but what would happen if he didn't have that back up?