Kramer vs. Kramer Scene 11 Summary

  • Ted and Margaret are hanging out at the playground again, watching their kids. Margaret went on a date with her French professor. Turns out he's married. Womp womp.
  • As they talk, Billy climbs to the top of the jungle gym. He holds on with one hand, and flies a toy plane with the other. Ted's nervous. He tells Billy to put down the plane. Margaret says she'll go get it. Before she can, Billy falls off and hits the ground. His head's bleeding. Whoa.
  • Ted runs through traffic with Billy in his arms. He races down the street until they reach the emergency room. Ted Kramer: One Man Ambulance.
  • A doctor patches Billy up. He asks to speak with Ted in the other room. Margaret watches Billy as he protests; he wants his dad.
  • Good news. Billy's not going to lose an eye or anything. Bad news: he has to get about ten stitches. The doc asks Ted to wait in the other room while he does it; Ted's not trying to hear that. If something's going to happen to his son, Ted's going to be there, Doc.
  • Ted talks Billy through the pain as he gets stitched up. Billy writhes and cries in pain. Poor kid.
  • Billy's finally at home in his bed, bandaged and asleep, as Ted rubs his back. Ted leaves. Margaret's in the kitchen. She says she feel responsible for Billy falling and starts to cry. Ted tells her it's okay, then asks her if she'd be willing to take care of Billy if anything were ever to happen to him.
  • She doesn't say yes, but it's implied that she's in. He says he knows she'd be up for the job since she's such a good mother, even if she's a terrible dishwasher.