Kramer vs. Kramer Scene 9 Summary

  • Ted and Billy have dinner at home. Salisbury steak. Billy calls it crap, and says he hates it. Ted reminds him that he had it last week and loved it. Billy claims he's allergic to onions. Ted says he's not.
  • Billy abruptly changes his tone, and asks Ted if he remembered to pick up the ice cream, really playing up the whole sweet and innocent kid thing. Ted says he did, and you can practically see the light bulb go off over Billy's head.
  • Ted tells Billy he can't have any ice cream until after he finishes his dinner. Seems reasonable.
  • Billy pulls his chair into the kitchen so he can reach the freezer. Ted tells him he better stop, or he'll be in big trouble. Billy gets the ice cream out of the freezer, and brings it back to the dinner table.
  • Ted protests the entire time, and tells Billy that if he takes a bite, he's in huge trouble. Billy takes the lid off the ice cream. Ted threatens punishment. Billy grabs a spoon. Ted makes more threats. Billy holds a giant bite of ice cream up to his mouth. Ted tells him to not to eat it. Billy eats it.
  • Ted grabs Billy and carries him, kicking and screaming, down the hallway to his room and literally throws him into his bed.
  • Billy tells Ted he hates him, and Ted tells Billy he hates him right back. Billy screams that he wants his mommy, and Ted tells Billy he's all he's got.
  • Billy keeps screaming that he wants his mommy while Ted has a stiff drink in the other room.
  • Later that night, Ted checks on Billy. He's asleep, but then wakes up and apologizes to Ted. Ted apologizes to Billy, too.
  • Billy asks Ted if he's going to go away. Ted says he isn't.
  • Billy asks if his mom went away because of him. Ted says she didn't. Then he explains that Joanna was sad, and that he, Ted, should've been paying better attention to her, but he was too wrapped up in himself.
  • She didn't leave because of Billy, Ted says; in fact, she stayed longer than she wanted to because she loves Billy so much. She left because she couldn't stand Ted.
  • Ted tells Billy goodnight. Billy tells Ted he loves him. Aw.