The Library of Babel Religion Quotes

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Quote #4

One blasphemous sect proposed that the searches be discontinued and that all men shuffle letters and symbols until those canonical books, through some improbable stroke of chance, had been constructed. The authorities were forced to issue strict orders. The sect disappeared, but in my childhood I have seen old men who for long periods of time would hide in the latrines with metal disks and a forbidden dice cup, feebly mimicking the divine disorder. (10)

See how Borges keeps using religious vocabulary to describe the different philosophies of the librarians? This group is considered a "blasphemous sect." In order to have blasphemy, you have to have something to blaspheme against. In other words, you need to have one point of view that many people defend as the only correct truth (that's called orthodoxy). So there must be some kind of organized religion in the Library.

Quote #5

Others...thought the first thing to do was eliminate all worthless books...It is to their hygienic, ascetic rage that we lay the senseless loss of millions of volumes. (11)

This should sound familiar. Our own history is full of people who have burned books because they disagreed with what was written in them.

Quote #6

Despite general opinion, I daresay that the consequences of the depredations committed by the Purifiers have been exaggerated by the horror those same fanatics inspired. They were spurred on by the holy zeal to reach...the books of the Crimson Hexagon – books smaller than natural books, books omnipotent, illustrated, and magical. (11)

The Purifiers are a good Borgesian example of what can happen when members of a religion get carried away by intolerance for anything that doesn't fit with their ideas.