A Little Princess Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Her face went red and then it went pale, and for a second she felt as if she could not take the dear little sixpence. (10.8)

Sara is super embarrassed to be mistaken for a beggar, but she doesn't want to hurt little Guy Lawrence's feelings—so she takes the sixpence. That girl is a class act.

Quote #5

And afterward she was called by all of them, "The-little-girl-who-is-not-a-beggar," which was, of course, rather a long name… (10.24)

Even though she looks like a beggar, dresses like a beggar, and is hungry like a beggar… Sara's still got the manners of a real lady, and it shows.

Quote #6

And so when the servants, taking their tone from their mistress, were insolent and ordered her about, she would hold her head erect and reply to them with a quaint civility which often made them stare at her. (11.25)

Sara's a true lady even when taking orders from the cook. We wish our servants were so polite. (We kid! We kid!)