A Little Princess Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She was walking round the small place, holding Lottie's hand and making gestures which described all the beauties she was making herself see. She quite made Lottie see them, too. (9.34)

Sara tries to transform her sad attic room for Lottie so that she won't feel sorry for her—and it works. Until Lottie leaves, that is.

Quote #5

Sara started, and all at once realized that she looked exactly like poor children she had seen, in her better days, waiting on the pavement to watch her as she got out of her brougham. (10.8)

Oh dear! How awfully embarrassing! Jeeves, please bring our fine silks at once!

Quote #6

"These are the plates," she said. "They are golden plates. These are the richly embroidered napkins. Nuns worked them in convents in Spain." (15.154)

With the magic of her imagination, Sara transforms some knick-knacks in her room into beautiful party things.