A Long Way from Chicago Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You want me to swab out toilets while you run your old daddy for Oldest Settler and your nephew for public speaker. Or did my ears deceive me?" (7.73)

As soon as Mrs. Weidenbach asks Grandma Dowdel to clean up at the Centennial Celebration, she gets up in arms. She's not going to let this snooty woman and her family take all the prizes.

Quote #8

All of Mrs. Weidenbach's friends stood to clap, and they were joined by everybody who owed the bank money. The boy kept bowing.

"That made me about half-sick," Grandma remarked. (7.156-157)

It's pretty pathetic to see everyone clapping for Mrs. Weidenbach's nephew at the talent show. It's obvious to Grandma Dowdel that they're only supporting him because they're afraid of the bank taking away their homes.

Quote #9

After a moment of stunned silence the crowd was on its feet. They were getting up on their benches and clapping over their heads in applause like summer thunder.

Grandma stood. Patting her back hair in a satisfied way, she said, "We don't need to stay to the end." (7.165-166)

When Mary Alice finishes her dance at the talent show, it's obvious from the thunderous applause that she's won. There's no doubt that she's taking home first place…and Grandma Dowdel is pleased as pie.