
Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

If we only skim the surface, Accelerationism is simply an idea of technological liberation. As Tak tells Maya:

"Accelerationism—it is a simple doctrine of sharing. It proposes that we of Heaven give unto those who dwell below of our knowledge and powers and substance. This act of charity would be directed to the end of raising their condition of existence to a higher level, akin to that which we ourselves occupy. Then every man would be as god, you see." (5.172)

But if technology represents a caste system and social inequality (which is totally does, so be sure to read up on it elsewhere in this section), then Accelerationism takes on dimensions outside the obvious. Here, it's not simple a doctrine of giving humanity some technology—instead it's about balancing the social equation. It's about removing the caste or class system and making everyone equal.

Can you call it socialist or communist, then? Perhaps. But our point here is merely to point out that what at first appeared to be really cool gadgets and butt kicking weapons are actually symbols exploring issues and problems very really in our society today. And Accelerationism represents one approach to solving them.