Lost in Translation Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Lost in Translation.

Quote #1

MAN #1: You see that guy?

MAN #2: Yeah.

MAN #1: You know who that is?

MAN #2: That's not him. It looks like him, but it's not him.

MAN #1: Can you believe it?

MAN #2: Okay, maybe it is.

These two bros unintentionally hit the nail on the head. We're pretty sure Bob thinks "That's not him. It looks like him, but it's not him," every time he passes a Suntory billboard, catches one of his old flicks on cable, or shaves in the morning.

Quote #2

FRED: I think you should do it.

BOB: No, hear this, Fred—I gotta be on a plane Thursday night.

FRED: We're looking into it, Bob. They really want you to stay to do that talk show. Apparently, he's a really big deal.

BOB: "Johnny Carson of Japan," yeah.

FRED: Bob, these people are paying you a lot. Would you please consider it?

BOB: I already have, you know. I gotta get out of here as soon as I can.

We get the sense that Bob thinks he's too big for the "Johnny Carson of Japan," but that both he and Fred know deep down that he's not. (Okay, so it’s not really "deep down" for Fred.) Of course, once Bob meets Charlotte, he's more than willing to stick around another day, even if it means appearing on a show that he doesn't want to do because he thinks it's beneath him.

Quote #3

NAKA: You want a whisky?

BOB: This is not whisky. This is iced tea. If you gave me real whisky…

NAKA: I need mysterious face. Can you show us mysterious? Mysterious.

BOB: I think I know what you want. You want this, right?

Bob places his hand over the side of his face, fingers parted so you can see his eye.

NAKA: I need more mysterious.

BOB: More mysterious, yeah. I'll just try to think, "Where the hell's the whisky?"

Sometimes, Bob puts his dissatisfaction with his career trajectory right out there in the open. Like when most of the people on set don't speak English, so he can vent without seeming like a prima donna.