Lost in Translation Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Lost in Translation.

Quote #1

The director speaks at length in Japanese.

TRANSLATOR: He want you to turn, look in camera. Okay?

BOB: That's all he said?

Sure seems like "That's all he (or she) said?" could be Bob's motto when we meet him. He's a guy who's struggling to understand the world around him and who's frustrated by not being able to really communicate with anybody. In short, Bob's looking for more.

Quote #2

PREMIUM FANTASY WOMAN: Lip my stockings. Yes, please. Lip them.

BOB: What?

PREMIUM FANTASY WOMAN: Lip them. Hey! Lip! My! Stocking!

BOB: Hey! Lip them? Lip them? What?

PREMIUM FANTASY WOMAN: Lip them, like this! Lip them.

BOB: Rip them?


BOB: You want me to rip your stockings?

PREMIUM FANTASY WOMAN: Yes, rip my stockings.

In this scene, the communication barrier is played for laughs. We can't help wondering if they're laughs that lean a little too far into stereotypes about the Asian accent, though. It's a funny scene, especially once Bob does try to rip her stockings and the premium fantasy woman delivers some first-rate physical comedy. What do you think? Is turning Rs into Ls offensive? Genuine? Something in between? How does comedy work? That's a simple question, right?

Quote #3

NAKA: Are you drinking, no?

BOB: Am I drinking? Yeah, as soon as I'm done.

As the Suntory photo shoot wears on, Bob starts getting a little mouthy, in part because he's tired and bored and feels like a sell-out, but also because he's pretty confident the communication barrier means Naka can't tell he's being a smart-aleck.