Love Medicine Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Love Medicine? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Whose death does Albertine find out about in a letter?

Henry Lamartine Junior
June Kashpaw
Swede Johnson
Q. What was the name of the nun who tortured young Marie Lazarre?

Sister Mary
Fraulein Maria
Sister Leopolda
Sister Dympna
Q. Which character was a total rock star when he was younger and even appeared on a snuff can?

Moses Pillager
Lyman Lamartine
Nector Kashpaw
Mick Jagger
Q. When Gordie thought he had hit June with his car, what had he actually hit?

A deer
A kangaroo
A moose
Another person (not June)
Q. What did Lipsha try to feed Nector as part of his "love medicine"?

Goose liver
An ox heart
A turkey heart
Chocolate mousse