Loveliest of Trees Time Quotes

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Quote #1

Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom along the bough, (1-2)

The key word here is "bloom," because it tells what time of year it is (late spring). The blooming cherry symbolizes life and rebirth. Even though the clock is always ticking, there's always time for new beginnings.

Quote #2

And stands about the woodland ride
Wearing white for Eastertide. (3-4)

"Eastertide" is a word that describes the roughly two-month period right after Easter. Like "bloom" earlier, this word also tells us that it is spring time. It also tells us that this is a time of rebirth because the reference to Easter makes us think of Jesus, and his death and resurrection.

Quote #3

Now, of my threescore years and ten,
Twenty will not come again, (5-6)

Time is always passing, and the speaker thinks of his life in terms of how much time has already gone by, or gone bye-bye. Instead of saying "I'm 20," he basically says, "I'll never get those 20 years back." Hmm, seems kind of like the glass is half-empty doesn't it?