Love's Labour's Lost Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

A woman, that is like a German clock,
Still a-repairing, ever out of frame,
And never going aright, being a watch,
But being watched that it may still go right. (3.1.200-203)

A German clock was complicated and required maintenance. By comparing Rosaline to a German clock, Berowne emphasizes that he still can't believe he's fallen in love.

Quote #5

The extreme parts of time extremely forms
All causes to the purpose of his speed,
And often at his very loose decides
That which long process could not arbitrate. (5.2.815-818)

The King is talking about his quick decision to release Aquitaine to the Princess – but is also encouraging her to make a quick decision to love him.

Quote #6

We have received your letters full of love;
Your favors, the ambassadors of love;
As bombast and as lining to the time. (5.2.852-853; 856)

The Princess cautiously protects her heart, saying the women just played along to kill time.