Music (Score)

Music (Score)

Marty's composer, Roy Webb, was best known for less cheerful work, including a pack of noir films and his collab with none other than horror-grandpa Alfred Hitchcock in his 1946 thriller Notorious. He worked as a staff composer for RKO through 1955, after which he began taking on gigs as they came, including Marty.


Webb's score works directly from motifs in Broadway composer Harry Warren's theme song, originally written for the 1953 TV movie version.

That particular song, with lyrics written (by Paddy Chayefsky himself) from the POV of an Angie-style pal, asks, "Marty, where was you Thursday?" and "Everyone was at the party but you [...]" and comes at the end the film, as if to underscore the fact that Marty has finally broken the pattern and doesn't need to hang out with the boys anymore. With its merry-go-round rhythm and drinking-song lyrics, it's more of a post-script and less of a theme.