Master Harold... and the boys True or False

1. Who tells Willie, "Ja, make it smooth. And give it more style. It must look like you're enjoying yourself"? -> Hally
2. What ray of sunshine says, "God, what a lousy bloody day. It's coming down cats and dogs out there. Bad for business, chaps… (Conspiratorial whisper) …but it also means we're in for a nice quiet afternoon"? -> Hally
3. Who is Hally talking about when he says, "If she was captured today, she'd be given a fair trial"? -> Eunice
4. To whom does Hally say, "Tolstoy may have educated his peasants, but I've educated you"? -> Willie
5. Who keeps calling the Tea Room? -> Fundraiser robo-calls from the Committee to Re-elect D.F. Malan
