Character Clues

Character Clues

Character Analysis


In this book, a person's occupation tells us a lot about their character and standing within Society. Higher ranking, more respected, more obedient people tend to get better jobs than those who are, well, less respected. Cassia tells us:

We were all surprised when Ky received such a lowly assignment, since Patrick and Aida are so well respected. "He works at the nutrition disposal center." (6.57)

Ky's job provides the first clue that there's something up with him—he's an Aberration. But while Cassia's family has always worked in the sorting business, which "can lead to much more interesting work positions" (3.50), though Ky's aunt and uncle get respected positions, he does not… which has something to do with his parents. Dun dun dun.


In a Society that tries to prevent its citizens from having any choices, there is but one choice most people have to make: follow the rules, or break them. Cassia says:

My father has always broken the rules for those he loves, just as my mother has always kept them for the same reason. (31.104)

The main things distinguishing people from one another in a world that prioritizes sameness is the actions someone takes that do deviate from the norm and break the rules. They let us know where their priorities lie—here we can think of Xander hiding Cassia's artifact which is really Ky's—but be careful about jumping to conclusions when people follow the rules. Cassia's mom is living proof that sometimes following the rules is an act of love, not blind obedience.

Physical Appearances

Cassia describes most people in the Oria province rather matter-of-factly, and even Xander, whom she describes with affection, is depicted in a way that suggests he doesn't particularly stand out in a crowd. She says:

Same blond hair. Same laughing blue eyes. (6.9)

Handsome? Yes. Flowery descriptions? Not so much.

Ky's blue eyes, on the other hand, take on a whole new meaning. As Cassia swoons:

I've been wrong about his eyes. I thought they were brown but I see they are dark blue, brought out by the color of his plainclothes. Blue is the most common eye color in Oria Province, but there is something different about his eyes and I'm not sure what it is. More depth? (8.17)

Ky's voice also "has a slightly different timbre than most voices. It's the kind of thing you forget until you hear it again and remember Oh yes. His voice has music" (8.14). Now, it's unclear whether Ky actually has the most unique eyes and voice ever, or whether Cassia's just in love—we'd bet on the latter—but regardless, her descriptions of the people in her life very clearly convey her feelings about them. Most people get just the facts… but Ky gets the poetry.