Matched Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Would you want to live in Cassia's world? Could it ever be worth it to sacrifice choice and free will in order to avoid tragedy and destruction?
  2. Although Cassia falls hard for Ky, a part of her loves Xander as well. Choosing Xander would keep her family and Ky safer. What would you do if you were Cassia?
  3. Is Cassia truly motivated by giving everyone the opportunity to have choices, or would she have gone down a different path if her true match had been Ky all along?
  4. What does poetry contribute to this novel? Are there other poems you would have chosen to include?
  5. Is there anything appealing about having your life partner chosen for you to maximize your health and happiness (and that of your future children)?
  6. Is the Society a dystopia or a utopia? Is there a difference?
  7. There are a lot of things that are not fully explained in Matched, including how exactly the Society came to be. Does it seem possible to you that the world today could evolve into this, and are there things we should be doing to prevent that?