Maus: A Survivor's Tale Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Page Number). Page numbers refer to The Complete Maus.

Quote #7

“These notebooks, and other really nice things of mother … one time I had a very bad day … and all of these things I destroyed.” (I.6.160)

It is a little extreme of Art to call Vladek a “murderer” for destroying his mother’s notebooks, but you can kind of see why. If memories are one crucial way for Holocaust survivors to preserve the lives of those who perished, Vladek has destroyed Anja’s memories, and thus she dies a second death.

Quote #8

“The Germans didn’t want to leave anywhere a sign of all what they did. You heard about the gas, but I’m telling not rumors, but only what really I saw. For this I was an eyewitness.” (II.2.59)

Vladek provides important testimony here; as a tin worker, he was one of the workers who took apart the gas chambers and thus has an intimate knowledge of how the gas chambers worked.

Quote #9

“But, below my closet I find these snapshots, some still from Poland.” (II.4.103)

Photographs provide another instance where the novel breaks with its animal metaphor. In this case, Spiegelman recreates the photographs using animal figures. But see Quote #10 below.