Maus: A Survivor's Tale Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Page Number). Page numbers refer to The Complete Maus.

Quote #4

“The Germans paid no attention of me …In the Polish car they could smell if a Polish Jew came in.” (I.6.142)

Vladek can exploit racial stereotypes in this situation. The soldiers are thinking in a racist way: according to the stereotype, Jews should be easily identifiable by their features alone, and they should exhibit cowardly behavior. Vladek can pass undetected because he breaks these stereotypes.

Quote #5

“The mothers always told so: ‘Be careful! A Jew will catch you to a bag and eat you!’ So they taught to their children.” (I.6.151)

Four words: racism begins at home.

Quote #6

“But if you’re a mouse, I ought to be a mouse, too. I converted, didn’t I?” (II.1.1)

The question of what animal to assign Françoise playfully references the limitations of Art’s animal imagery. Françoise is French, and she wasn’t born a Jew; she converted. Is she a frog or a mouse?