Mean Girls Cast

Mean Girls Cast

Meet the Cast

Cady Heron (Lindsay Lohan)

Cady Heron is a stranger in a strange land. Her parents may be the research zoologists in the fam, but she approaches North Shore High School like a scientist herself. To Cady, each clique is a spe...

Regina George (Rachel McAdams)

She may only be a junior, but Regina George rules North Shore High. She's an intimidating trendsetter who's treated like a celebrity by her classmates. Don't believe us? Just ask the student body:J...

Janis Ian and Damian (Lizzy Caplan and Daniel Franzese)

Janis and Damian are the two best friends a sixteen-year-old transplant from Africa could ever want. We know that's a pretty specific niche, but we're standing by it.This pair of "art freaks" are o...

Gretchen Wieners and Karen Smith (Lacey Chabert and Amanda Seyfried)

If you look up "loyal" in the dictionary, you'll see a photo of Gretchen Wieners and Karen Smith. They're like a pair of well-manicured puppies, and not just because they have such shiny hair; they...

Ms. Norbury (Tina Fey)

By her own admission, Ms. Norbury is a pusher. (No, not drugs.) Being a pusher isn't necessarily a bad quality. In fact, for a teacher or coach, it's often a great quality. The thing is, Ms. Norbur...

Cady's Mom and Dad (Ana Gasteyer and Neil Flynn)

Cady's mom and dad love her like crazy, but, like Ms. Norbury, they aren't very helpful. Don't get us wrong: they've done a wonderful job homeschooling Cady and raising her to be a levelheaded teen...

Mrs. George (Amy Poehler)

We see Regina's dad very, very briefly, sobbing as his daughter poses in her barely-there Halloween costume. Her mom, on the other hand, is a constant presence, desperate to be "just one of the gir...