Mean Girls Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Mean Girls.

Quote #1

CADY: This is your room?

REGINA: It was my parents' room, but I made them trade me.

We don't even want to know how Regina managed to bully her parents into giving up the master suite.

Quote #2

REGINA: I mean, I don't care; do whatever you want, but let me just tell you something about Aaron: all he cares about is school and his mom and his friends.

CADY: Is that bad?

It's bad if you're Regina and it means that Aaron doesn't put you before everything and everyone else in his life, which means that your powers don't fully work on him.

Quote #3

GRETCHEN: If you even knew how mean she really is. You know that I'm not allowed to wear hoop earrings, right? Yeah. Two years ago, she told me that hoop earrings were her thing, and that I wasn't allowed to wear them anymore. And then for Hanukkah, my parents got me this pair of really expensive white-gold hoops. And I had to pretend like I didn't even like them, and it was so sad.

The fact that Gretchen would go to these extremes to please Regina illustrates the crazy-tight hold that Regina has over her minions—and that she's a terrible, terrible friend.