Medea Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Paul Roche's translation.

Quote #7

Medea: What a charming record for our new
bridegroom this:
"His own sons and the wife who saved him
are wayside beggars." (60)

Medea seems to have a good point here. If Jason would ditch his current family to gain social status, isn't he likely to do something similar in the future? This theory never gets a chance to be tested, of course, because Medea kills his new wife.

Quote #8

Medea: Aegeus, I beg you, […]
by these knees I clasp, […]
let me come to Athens, shelter me,
accept me in your home. (123)

In some myths, Medea went on to marry Aegeus once she got to Athens, evidently giving his wife the boot. Medea eventually gave Aegeus a son named Medus, though there was some speculation as to whether Medus was really the son of Jason. Once again though, Medea gets kicked out of a Greek city. When Aegeus' long-lost illegitimate son Theseus shows up, Medea tries to poison him. Aegeus figures out who Theseus is just in time and Medea is kicked out of Athens.

Quote #9

Jason: I did not blame you [Medea]
It is natural for a woman to be enraged
when her husband goes off making second
marriages. (150)

Jason's statement shows that he's not totally devoid of sympathy. After Medea tricks him into thinking that she's sorry for her behavior, he concedes that maybe he was a little insensitive. It's too little too late, for Medea, who relentlessly proceeds with her revenge.