The Metamorphosis Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Stanley Corngold's translation.

Quote #10

"If it were Gregor, he would have realized long ago that it isn't possible for human beings to live with such a creature, and he would have gone away of his own free will. Then we wouldn't have a brother, but we'd be able to go on living and honor his memory. But as things are, this animal persecutes us, drives the roomers away, obviously wants to occupy the whole apartment and for us to sleep in the gutter" (3.25)

Grete here thoroughly rejects the idea that Gregor is owed anything. It's the family, not Gregor, who's the wronged party here. Grete's logic here has a big hole, however. She's saying that if the bug were Gregor, he would have realized that the family couldn't live with him and gone away on his own. But, in order to think that way, the bug would have to be Gregor; it would have to be human, which is precisely what Grete is arguing that he's not.