The Canterbury Tales: The Miller's Tale Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). We used the line numbering found on Librarius's online edition.

Quote #10

'Go fro the window, Jakke fool,' she sayde,
'As help me God, it wol nat be 'com pa me.'
I love another, and elles I were to blame,
Wel bet than thee, by Jesu, Absolon!


The irony in Alisoun's statement here is that she is saying what she ought to as a married woman, but out of loyalty not to her husband but to her lover.

Quote #11

'Allas,' quod Absolon, 'and weylawey,
That trewe love was evere so yvel biset!
Thanne kisse me, sin it may be no bet,
For Jesus love and for the love of me.'


Absolon's implication that a kiss is an acceptable substitute for Alisoun's love is yet another indication that, in the logic of the tale, all talk of love is really just talk of sex.

Quote #12

'Allas!' quod he, 'allas, I ne hadde y-bleynt!'
His hote love was cold and all y-queynt;
For fro that tyme that he had kiste hir ers,
Of paramours he sette nat a kers,
For he was heeled of his maladye
Ful ofte paramours he gan deffye,
And weep as doth a child that is y-bete

It's somewhat strange that Absolon's humiliation at Alisoun's hands should turn him off not just to her, but to all future lovers. This renouncement suggests that the "maladye" of which Absolon was healed was not love of Alisoun, but love in general.