Monty Python and the Holy Grail Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Quote #7

[Tim creates numerous explosions and then teleports himself with a blast of fire and smoke. Then he summons more fire, just for good measure].

ARTHUR: What manner of man are you that can summon up fire without flint or tinder?

TIM: I... am an enchanter.

ARTHUR: By what name are you known?

TIM: There are some who call me... Tim.

ARTHUR: Greetings, Tim the Enchanter.

TIM: Greetings, King Arthur!

ARTHUR: You know my name?

TIM: I do. [a constant stream of flame spurts forth from within his staff] You seek the Holy Grail!

ARTHUR: That is our quest. You know much that is hidden, O Tim.

TIM: Quite.
[He shoots a fiery projectile from his staff that explodes in flames when it strikes a tree]

Tim tries very hard to create a certain kind of impression. He randomly and needlessly plays around with his magical fire and even dramatically pauses before saying his name… which is Tim. We get the feeling he's compensating by trying to keep up appearances that he's an evil and all-powerful enchanter. He even has the horns on his hood and bones on his tunic. He's decided to dress to impress.