Moon Over Manifest Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Seems like a person should know where he was born. Where he's from and who his people are." (9.48)

When Ned tells Jinx he doesn't know what his family background is, we see how much it really bugs him. Does knowing where you were born make a difference in how you see yourself? Should it? Why or why not? How would Ned be different if he knew who his mom was?

Quote #5

Maybe the world wasn't made of universals that could be summed up in neat little packages. Maybe there were just people. People who were tired and hurt and lonely and kind in their own way and their own time. (17.84)

Abilene's finally growing up, and that means thinking about tough stuff like this. But it takes Abilene a while to get to this point. Her universals may have helped her understand the world she lived in, but hearing Miss Sadie's story made her see that things are more complicated than they seem at first.

Quote #6

"This town left its imprint on your daddy, probably more than even he knows." (20.15)

When Hattie Mae mentions this to Abilene, she doesn't know that Jinx is her dad. After all, Jinx has spent his whole life running away. Why is that?