Murder on the Orient Express Good and Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"If ever a man deserved what he got, Ratchett or Cassetti is the man. I'm rejoiced at his end. Such a man wasn't fit to live!" (2.2.13)

Notice that the opinion of every passenger is the same: Ratchett was evil and he deserved to die.

Quote #5

"That there are in the world such evil men! It tries one's faith. The poor mother. My heart aches for her." (2.5.59)

Greta Ohlsson agrees that Ratchett was a terrible person.

Quote #6

"In my view, then, this murder is an entirely admirable happening! You will pardon my slightly biased point of view." (2.6.90)

This quote comes from Princess Dragomiroff. Can murder ever be truly admirable? Or was this not a case of murder?