My Name is Asher Lev Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We needed to make maximum use of our time, my mother kept saying. We could each of us accomplish a great deal if we arranged our schedules carefully and made maximum use of our time. (54.2)

Rivkeh becomes obsessed with studying after the death of her brother Yaakov, and she works to instill in Asher a similar tendency towards scholarly efficiency. Unfortunately, this doesn't exactly sink in with Asher. Or if it does, all that efficiency gets put towards painting.

Quote #2

I failed the arithmetic test. (81.4)

We learn relatively early on in the book that Asher isn't much of a student. He fails arithmetic tests and draws in his Chumash and is generally the shame of the yeshiva. Given that he comes from such scholarly stock, this comes across as ironic to most of the other congregants.

Quote #3

'I am surprised and upset,' the teacher said, 'that the son of Reb Aryeh Lev would do such a thing. I do not know what to say. Please be so good as to never do it again, Asher. Drawing in a Chumash is a desecration of the Name of God. (123.8)

This quote underscores the collective disappointment the community shares in Asher's inability to live up to the pious and scholarly attitudes of his fancy father. Come on, Ash, get it together, man.