My Name is Asher Lev Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My mother was not dead. She lay in her bed, but I could not see her. Uncle Yaakov had been in an accident, my father explained. A car accident. In Detroit. While traveling for the Rebbe. (14.2)

When Rivkeh finds out her brother has been killed in a car accident, she is nearly destroyed by grief. Her grief is so profound because he was her only brother, and because family is extremely important to her. These values are instilled in Asher from an early age, and they guide him throughout the remainder of the book.

Quote #2

'Your father doesn't know what to do with you, Asher.' (112.2)

Uncle Yitzchok says this to Asher during Passover seder, when Asher is freaking out about having to move with his parents to Vienna. His behavior is confusing and obnoxious to the adults around him, who believe that it is the duty of a good child to be loyal to their parents. Maybe that's why they're not sure if Asher's talent was a gift from the devil.

Quote #3

'Asher,' my mother said. 'You are being disrespectful to your father. Kibud ov, Asher. Remember, kibud ov. (129.18)

In Hebrew, kibud ov means "parental honor." You may have heard this quote from the Old Testament: "Honor thy mother and father." Same meaning. Rivkeh's invoking this against Asher because he wasn't listening to Aryeh.