Nature of Science Quiz True or False

1. Which of the following is not an example of a scientific model? -> An equation
2. What do engineers do? -> Make new equipment for scientists.
3. When engineers develop a new tool or product to solve a problem, they run many tests on it and make revisions before presenting the finished product. What is this process an example of? -> The scientific method
4. How are science and technology related to one another? -> Discoveries in each field help the other field advance.
5. A crash test dummy is an example of which of the following? -> A mannequin
6. When would a scientist choose to use a model? -> All of the answer choices are correct.
7. A scientist wants to model the structure of a worm's digestive system. What would be the best way to present this model? -> A 3D representation
8. Whom do scientists work most closely with when they are developing new tools? -> Paleontologists
9. Which word best completes the following analogy: science is to knowledge, as technology is to __________. -> power
10. Which of the following discoveries were made as a direct result of technological advances? -> All of these answer choices are correct.
